One of my favorite events is coming up Sept. 19 when our cooperative hosts our annual meeting for you, the members we proudly serve. I always look forward to this event because it’s a great opportunity for me and our employees to talk with our members and hear what’s on their minds.
Spending time with you and hearing your take on our community’s energy future is so important to us. In fact, it’s essential because everything we do is shaped by the members of our community. As I’m sure you know, the energy industry is experiencing massive change. Consumer needs and changing technology impact nearly every aspect of how we manage and deliver energy to local homes, schools and businesses.
As we navigate major changes in the coming years, we need to hear from you and your neighbors to inform our planning as we strive to meet the long-term needs of all our members. You may be wondering if your opinion really makes a difference, and yes, it does! Gaining guidance and perspective from our members and board helps set priorities for the co-op and guide future decisions.
At our annual meeting, we raise issues for voting consideration by the general membership (that’s everyone who pays for electric service from Farmers Electric). Annual meeting is also a time for members to vote on the co-op’s board of directors.
Most consumers likely don’t equate active involvement with their electric company with helping their community. But Farmers Electric is not an ordinary utility company. We’re a co-op, and our business model is meant to serve the members and the community in which we operate.
Our core purpose and mission are to provide safe, reliable and affordable power. But as a co-op, we’re also motivated by service to our community, rather than profits. We hope you’ll exercise the benefits of your co-op membership and join us Sept. 19. We look forward to seeing you!